A Letter to the President About Universal Background Checks – The Facts

If we don’t get the facts out, politicians with good intentions will saddle us with another gun control law that will not reduce crime.  That law being Universal Background Checks.  Read the facts on Universal Background Checks.

10 August 2019

The White House                                                                                                                              1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW                                                                                                Washington DC 20500

Dear President Trump:

I know the President will not personally read this letter.  So whoever does, could you please convey this one extremely important but simple fact to the President:

Universal Background Checks will not work without Universal Firearms Registration.

This was a finding from a study dated January 4, 2013, commissioned by President Obama after the Newtown School shooting incident.  The study was completed by the National Institute of Justice, an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice, to evaluate and report on the feasibility of the most popular gun control proposals.

The proposed Universal Background Check Law will not have the desired effect on firearms transfers conducted by individuals unless the current owner of every firearm in the country is known to the U.S. Government.  If you don’t know who the current owner is, how will you know a transfer occurred??

While most law-abiding citizens will comply with a Universal Background Check law and the added expense, some will not. And criminals will definitely not comply thus rendering Universal Background Check laws useless. Fourteen States already have Universal Background Check laws. Is there any data that shows they have reduced crime?  No, because they haven’t.

A 2018 study by the Violence Prevention Research Program and the Center for Gun Policy and Research found no change in firearm homicide or suicide rates in the ten years following California’s 1991 implementation of a Universal Background Check laws.

If a Universal Background Check law is passed, it won’t work. When it doesn’t work, critics will say it didn’t go far enough, but will work with the addition of Universal Firearms Registration.

I would rather President Trump be known as the President who actually did something to reduce crime than remembered as President who set the stage for Firearms Registration, the historical first step in confiscation.

Concerning registration, Canada repealed its gun registration law because after 14 years and a cost of $2.7 billion, it was never credited with solving or preventing a single crime!  If it doesn’t work, why have it?  Unless it supports some other ulterior motive like confiscation.  Do we really want to go down that road? Some Democratic presidential hopefuls have already come out supporting confiscation.  Is that the bandwagon you want to jump on?

Before deciding, I hope you will listen to those that put you in office and will converse with experts on this subject either from the Gun Owners of America, the Firearms Policy Coalition, or the 2nd Amendment Foundation.


ALLAN L. PERKINS                                                                                                                            Sergeant Major                                                                                                                                      U.S. Army (Retired)


Summary of Selected Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies

Take a few minutes to skim the actual report. The important elements are marked in red. Disseminate the information. The future of the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership in America is at stake.

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