Liberal Logic

Short, brief statements that show the fallacies and contradictions in Liberal thinking, like:  It’s wrong to kill convicted  murderers but okay to kill unborn babies in the womb.

Some come from or are inspired by various website I visit.

Some I wrote.  It’s not that hard if you watch as much news as I do.  Just the other day I see on the news where in one State, Liberals are fighting for a 48 hour waiting period before you can pick up a gun you buy.  Then thirty minutes later I see where Liberals are fighting against a 24 hour waiting period before a woman can get an abortion.  Make sense?


Liberals tell us not to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge all Gun Owners by the actions of a few lunatics.


Liberals are fond of saying that if abortions are banned, women will still get abortions at back alley clinics, but would have you believe that if guns are banned, criminals won’t be able to get guns.


Liberal Politician Mayor Michael Bloomberg believes you have no right to own a gun for personal protection, but hire’s 14 former police officers to be his own armed personal protection team.


Liberals say ObamaCare is the Law of the Land, must be obeyed, can’t be changed, but the Second Amendment is archaic, out of date, open to interpretation and needs to be changed?


Liberals don’t vilify the car or the alcohol when a drunk driver kills an innocent person, but when a mentally unstable person kills innocent people with a gun, they vilify the gun and make excuses for the killer.


Liberals think more laws will prevent future mass shootings by mentally unstable people, even though Adam Lanza committed 47 counts of breaking eight different laws in his attack.


Liberals will support any gun law that could possibly save even ONE life, except concealed carry gun laws which have proven on a daily basis to save many lives.


Liberals support abortion, but are against the death penalty.  Make sense?


Liberals believe teenagers are too immature to have access to guns but they’re never too young to make their own decision to have sex, decide what their gender is or an have abortion.


Liberals support women’s rights because it’s their body and their choice, except when it comes to choosing what she puts in her body like sugar, salt, soda, trans-fat, cigarette smoke, gluten, etc.


Liberals are “pro-choice” on abortion, but believe religious groups should have “no-choice” and be forced to pay for birth control.


Liberals are great supporters of Free Speech, unless it doesn’t supports their agenda, then it is “hate-mongering” and should not be tolerated.


Liberals believe that no expense should be spared to protect the approximately 100 animals on the endangered species list, but an unborn baby is an nonviable mass of tissue that deserves no protection.


Liberals say it is greed for wanting to keep the money you earn for your own use, but it is not greed to take someone else’s money for your own use.


Liberals say if you were against the reelection of African-American President Barrack Obama, you were a racist, but if you were against the reelection of African-American US Congressman LTC Allen West, you were a free thinking voter making an educated choice based on facts.


Liberals condemn hunters for shooting defenseless animals but support pregnant women who have their even more defenseless children murdered by abortion.


Liberals would have you believe that if guns were made illegal, they would be impossible for criminals to get. But when Prohibition made alcohol illegal, it was still readily available.


Liberals say you don’t need a handgun to protect yourself, that’s a job for the police, even though the Supreme Court has already ruled that the police have no duty to protect you as an individual.


Since the Supreme Court has ruled YOU are responsible for your own protection, should you be fined if you don’t own the means for that protection, i.e. a firearm, just as you will be fined for not have the means for protecting your health, i.e. health insurance?


Liberals are champions for the poor. To make more voters to support them, do they need to create more poor?


Conversely, if Conservative policies will support the wealthy and make everyone else poor, wouldn’t that create more Liberal supporters that would eventually vote all Conservatives out of office?


Liberals believe cigarette smoke, cigar smoke, pipe tobacco smoke, smoke from cars and smoke from coal fired generators is bad for you, but smoke from marijuana cigarettes will not harm you?


Liberal Politicians in the city with the highest violent crime rate in the country, (Washington DC) want to force the same gun laws used there on the rest of the country.  How’s that working out for Chicago?  Detroit?


How come the Food and Drug Administration takes years to study and test anything that goes into your body before it is approved, but marijuana is good to go with no testing?


The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Stamp program gives free food to an estimated 47.5 million people as of April 2013.  The U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service asks us “Please Do Not Feed the Animals” because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”


After the Oikos University shooting where 7 were killed and 3 wounded, Amanda Wilcox, a lobbyist for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence was asked why the California gun laws, didn’t prevent the massacre.  Her reply, “It wasn’t a failure of laws; I just don’t see how our gun laws could have stopped something like that.”  What?


It’s illegal to disturb or destroy the eggs of the American Bald and Golden Eagle as well as many other animals on the Endangered Species list, but fertilized human eggs and be destroyed on a whim.


Liberals will chastise a pregnant woman who drinks or smokes because of the damage it may do to the unborn fetus, but will support her right to abort the same fetus.


Liberals want to fly children from Central America to the United States to protect them from crime, drug related violence and poverty.  Children living in Chicago and Detroit are on their own.


Liberals claim requiring voter ID is racist because it is impossible to get voter ID cards to every American.   In India, a country with a population of 1.27 billion people, every voter is issued a voter ID card.


Only a true Liberal, in the middle of a border security crisis, would put forth a $3.7 billion Bill to Congress that does nothing to secure the border, but takes care of those that illegally crossed the border.


Liberals are angry that a company like Hobby Lobby should have any control over their employee’s healthcare, but support the government’s complete control over their employee’s healthcare.


Liberal US politicians are telling Europe that they need to build a pipeline to become more energy independent from Russia but are unequivocally against building the Keystone Pipeline in the US to become more energy independent from Mideast oil.


Liberals say that a woman’s birth control is none of her employer’s business, but demand that her employer pay for it.


Liberals would have you believe that Voter ID laws suppress minority voters, but a review of North Carolina’s New Voter ID law shows that turnout of black voters was up 29.5% in the 2014 primary election over the 2010 primary election.  In comparison, white voter turnout was only up 13.7%.


Liberals believe that if you choose to have sex and choose not to use contraceptives, that your employer should have no choice in paying for the results of your bad choices.


Liberal Logic for everyday problems:  If water is pouring in my boat from a hole in the bottom, I should buy buckets to put the water in and make plans to store the water while worrying about fixing the hole later.


Why do they call it “Planned Parenthood” when all they do is “un-plan” something for irresponsible people who never “planned” for it in the first place?


To protest Walmart making people work on Thanksgiving, Unions paid people to work on Thanksgiving to protest Walmart.


In the Liberal paradise, there would be free food, free healthcare, free housing and only the police would have guns.  Your every need would be met by the government.  Sounds a lot like prison doesn’t it.


It’s ironic that the Obama Administration allowed AK-47’s to go to drug cartels in Mexico as part of Operation Fast and Furious, but refuses to arm the Kurdish people to fight against ISIS.


Is it hypocrisy that Liberals have mandated that every citizen be able to prove that they have health insurance, but it’s somehow wrong to prove that they are a citizen?  Or they have the right to vote?


It’s amazing how much the president that said, “You didn’t build that” to small business owners use the word “I” in his speeches.


Killing an American Bald Eagle is a Federal crime, but if one is killed by a wind generator, it’s an acceptable loss in order to advance the cause of green energy.


Liberal activists Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson want you to know that not every black man in a hoodie is a gang-banging, drug dealing thug, but preach that all white cops are racist.


The first reply from the Obama Administration when a new crisis emerges is that they can’t comment on an ongoing investigation, even if the investigation takes years.  But Obama had no problem commenting on Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Gardner, and Harvard Professor Henry Gates before the investigations even began.


A woman with a concealed carry license is accidentally killed with her own gun by her two year old son.  Liberals say this proves that only the police are competent enough to have guns.  Two days later, a police chief accidentally shoots his own wife.


If you believe that killing an unborn baby is fine, but executing a convicted murderer is immoral…you may be a Liberal.


Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, made a speech to a group 12 years ago that he did not know had ties to a white-separatist movement.  Liberals are demanding he step down from all Congressional leadership positions.  Barack Obama attend a church for over 25 years whose pastor preached hatred for whites, but was elected twice as president.  Double standard maybe?


President Obama said we can’t secure the southern border because fences don’t work.  If that’s the case, why do we put them around prisons, military bases, airports and many other facilities to include the White House?


January 25th, 2015 :  A squadron of over 1,700 private jets arrived in Davos, Switzerland, this week to discuss global warming and other issues.  Can you see the stupidity here?


Liberals demand a 48 hour waiting period if you decide to buy a gun, but believe a 24 hour waiting period if you decide to have an abortion is a violation of your rights.


Liberals want to ban the Confederate battle flag, but conveniently forget that the Confederate Army was 100% Democrat.


ISIS is threatening to conduct more attacks on American soil and Barack Obama has a solid plan for Climate Change


Only a Liberal could final same sex marriage in the 14th Amendment, but not find individual Gun Rights in the 2nd Amendment,


Liberal definitions – Affirmative Action:  A system in which Blacks are treated differently than whites because Blacks have suffered in the past by being treated differently than Whites.


A Liberal group was “hiring” people to attend a demonstration supporting the $15 an hour minimum wage, but was only paying them $12.85 an hour!

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