Brazil Eyes Gun Law Reform

All too often in the gun rights or gun law debate, it is stated, “Most other industrialized countries in the world have much stricter gun laws than the US and have subsequently have a lower murder rate.”

Let’s head in a southerly direction to Brazil, an industrialized country which should be considered an example of Liberal gun laws at work:

All firearms are registered.

Ammunition purchase is heavily restricted.

Must be 25 years old to own a firearm.

Except under special circumstance, cannot take a firearm outside of your residence.

Unfortunately, the restrictive laws are not making Brazil a safer place to live, a workers paradise so to speak.  These laws were passed in 2003 and the murder rate has not dropped.  With far fewer legal guns than the US, the murder rate in Brazil is six to eight times HIGHER than in the United States.

Fortunately, Brazil is using common sense to solve their problem instead of the ideas of our local Liberal friends, like even stricter laws or confiscation.  They understand that criminals do not obey the law and more laws will not restrict the lawless.

Brazil is looking at what is going on in the United States.  Overall nationwide, gun ownership has doubled, conceal carry has tripled and the murder rate has dropped.  But in States or cities that still heavily restrict gun ownership and self-protection, crime rates are still high and increasing.

Their Congress is looking at lessening the restrictions on purchase, ownership and carrying of firearms.  They understand the concept our Founding Fathers instilled in the Second Amendment:  You are responsible for your own safety; not the government, not the State, not the local sheriff, but the individual.

Brazil has decided to not be included in the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over (progressively restrictive gun laws) and expecting different results.

Read the story:  High Murder Rates in Brazil Prompt Push for Gun Law Reform

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