Safety From Evil

Safety from evil is not secured by running away, closing your eyes or appeasement.   You cannot bargain with evil.  Only facing and defeating it will provide true safety.

For those who don’t believe evil exists, talk to the survivors of Dachua, Saddam Hussein’s prisons, or the Khmer Rouge death camps.

Evil exists.   And someday you may be the only thing that stands between it and your wife, daughter or granddaughter.  Do you want to be armed or do you want to depend on your eloquence and ability to bargain?   I’ll trust the weapon I carry concealed over words any day.

Weapons are not evil.  They are tools.  Tools can be used for good or for evil.  Knives killed 1,486 people in 2013.  Does that make knives evil and worthy of banning?  Or are the abusers of these tools the evil ones?  Laws cannot prevent evil doers from practicing their  trade.  I dare say no rapist ever changed his mind about his crime because he suddenly realized it was against the law.


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